Peer Tutoring
Everybody Wins.
In our Peer Tutoring program, we're built something that helps everyone: Tutees get low-stakes workshop time to engage with curriculum with supportive peers.
Tutors are trained in teaching & communication techniques, and they get to delve deeper into a curriculum area which particularly interests them.
See an overview of the district-wide program
at B40, Mission Hill, and our high schools.
Proven Results

There's a great value in receiving help from your peers. We've seen incredible results from Peer Tutoring, in helping students develop their strengths and gain confidence in challenging areas of curriculum.
Group Work

We offer peer tutoring in small groups to help students collaborate over challenges, which helps to make it less intimidating.
It helps also to let a sense of fun guide group work.
& 1 on 1

Individual sessions in the Library allow Tutors and Tutees to build working relationships.
It helps to learn from someone you know, from someone who has recently had the same class as you.