Our mission is to provide a comprehensive guidance program that will empower all students in developing the academic skills, personal growth, and positive relationships needed to become successful leaders. Every student has the ability to reach their potential with the support of educators, parents, guardians, and other community partnerships.
Need anything? Contact us today:

Meet Your Counselors
Amanda Reilly
Counselor (A-H)
(831) 429-3860
Ext. 53211
Hello Mission Hill! My name is Amanda Reilly and I am the counselor for students with last names A-H. I have worked in the Santa Cruz City Schools community for almost 20 years, as both a middle school and high school counselor. I am a strong believer in access and equity for all students and value collaboration with students, parents and staff as essential to supporting the whole student. I am here to support all our Mission Hill students in reaching their academic and personal goals. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns, go Mavericks!
¡Hola Mission Hill! Mi nombre es Amanda Reilly y soy la consejera de los estudiantes de apellidos A-H. He trabajado en la comunidad de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Santa Cruz durante casi 20 años, como consejera de escuela intermedia y secundaria. Creo firmemente en el acceso y la equidad para todos los estudiantes y valoro la colaboración con los estudiantes, los padres y el personal como algo esencial para apoyar al estudiante en su totalidad. Estoy aquí para apoyar a todos nuestros estudiantes de Mission Hill, para que alcancen sus metas académicas y personales. No dude en comunicarse conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, ¡vamos Mavericks!
Steve Pérez MSW, PPSC
Counselor (I-Z)
(831) 429-3860
Ext. 53212
Hello Mission Hill, my name is Steve Perez and I am the counselor for students with the last names from I to Z. I am a social worker and have my credential in counseling. I have advocated for youth in our community for over 25 years and strive to help students feel safe and successful. I have served as a school counselor at Harbor High School and Westlake Elementary. I am grateful to be part of the Mission Hill community and look forward to helping students reach their potential and to grow as young adults. Please reach out with any concerns or questions that you might have.
Hola Mission Hill, mi nombre es Steve Perez y soy el consejero de estudiantes con los apellidos de la I a la Z. Soy trabajador social y tengo mi credencial en consejería. He defendido a los jóvenes de nuestra comunidad durante más de 25 años y me esfuerzo por ayudar a los estudiantes a sentirse seguros y exitosos. Me he desempeñado como consejero escolar en Harbor High School y Westlake Elementary. Estoy agradecido de ser parte de la comunidad de Mission Hill y espero poder ayudar a los estudiantes a alcanzar su potencial y crecer como jóvenes adultos. Comuníquese con cualquier inquietud o pregunta que pueda tener.
Soledad Hess, LCSW
Mental Health Specialist
Social Emotional Counselor
(831) 429-3860
Ext. 53207
Hello Mission Hill! I am the mental health specialist (social emotional counselor) here at Mission Hill. I am a licensed therapist (LCSW) and provide counseling services to our students when they are referred to me by staff or parents. I also provide drop in support to all students as needed. Previously I worked at Encompass Youth Services where I provided therapy to families and children in our community, and I also have previous experience working various school settings serving students and families. I have been working with children and families for over 20 years and have a passion for connecting with each child I meet using creative and client centered approaches. I believe every single child deserves to feel included and successful here at Mission Hill and I am here to support them in building the skills they need to navigate middle school and beyond!
¡Hola Mission Hill! Soy la especialista en salud mental (consejera de salud social y emocional) aquí en Mission Hill. Soy terapeuta licenciada (LCSW) y ofrezco servicios de consejería cuando nuestros estudiantes me son referidos por el personal o los padres. Tambíen ofrezco apoyo cuando los estudiantes lo necesitan. Anteriormente, trabajé con Encompass Youth Services donde ofrecí terapia a las familias y niños en nuestra comunidad, y también tengo experiencia previa trabajando en varios entornos escolares sirviendo a los estudiantes y a sus familias. He trabajado con estudiantes y familias por mas de 20 años y tengo pasión por conectarme con cada niño con quien trabajo utilizando un acercamiento creativo y centrado en el cliente. Creo fielmente que cada niño merece sentirse incluído y exitoso aquí en Mission Hill y ¡estoy aquí para apoyarlos en construir habilidades que necesitan para navegar la escuela secundaria y más allá!
Lisa Sliney
Registrar & Counseling Secretary
(831) 429-3860
Ext. 53210
Hello Parents and Students, My name is Lisa Sliney, and I am the Registrar and Counseling Secretary for Mission Hill Middle School. I am happy to help you with any questions or concerns you may have about your child.
I have been in education for the past 18 years. I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and a Master Teacher Certificate from the State of California. I am passionate about helping children navigate the developmental stages in a kind and compassionate environment. I spent the first 15 years of my career as a Pre-K teacher, and have many wonderful memories. I worked for 3 years at Santa Cruz High School in the Health Office, until my recent move to Mission Hill Middle School. I look forward to getting to know the Mission Hill Middle School Community.
Hola padres y estudiantes, Mi nombre es Lisa Sliney y soy la registradora y secretaria de consejería de la escuela secundaria Mission Hill. Me complace ayudarles con cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener sobre sus hijos.
He trabajado en la educación por los últimos 18 años. Tengo un título en Educación Infantil Temprana y un Certificado en Maestría de Enseñanza del Estado de California. Me apasiona ayudar a los niños a atravesar las etapas de desarrollo en un entorno amable y compasivo. Pasé los primeros 15 años de mi carrera como maestra de Pre-K y tengo muchos recuerdos maravillosos. Trabajé durante 3 años en la Oficina de Salud de la Escuela Secundaria Santa Cruz, hasta que me mudé recientemente a la Escuela Secundaria Mission Hill. Espero poder conocer a la comunidad de la escuela Mission Hill.
Mental Health & more
The Middle School Counseling department offers many programs designed to focus on improving school climate, social adjustment, and improving academic performance. Grade level programs focus on academic, careers, college and social/emotional development.
Some of the program components include:
All Grades:
Anti-bullying month
Self-care planning
College awareness week
Goal setting (academic & personal)
Building school connectedness
6th Grade:
5-6th grade transition planning
Social Emotional learning curriculum
7th Grade:
College & Career exploration
8th Grade:
Mindfulness curriculum
A-G requirements
8th –9th Grade transition planning
Why would I see a school counselor?
For Students:
Students may see the counselor for small group and individual counseling to assist with a variety of concerns and problems, including:
Problem solving
Academic support
Grief and loss
Conflict resolution
Trauma support
Emotional support (i.e. feelings of sadness/suicide prevention)
For Parents:
If a parent has an academic, social, or personal concern about their child, they are encouraged to contact the counseling office. The counseling office will help to arrange parent- teacher meetings, small group or individual counseling, as well as outside referrals to appropriate community resources.
How can I see a school counselor?
Students can see the counselor in any of the following ways:
Request of the counselor
Parent referral
Administrative referral
Teacher or staff referral
Referral by friend(s)
There are two counseling self-referral boxes. One is located outside of the counseling offices and the other is inside the library. There are forms to complete to drop in for the request.